Monday, July 8, 2013

Call for Creative Submissions

The Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts & Humanities in the College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University and the Auburn Writers Conference invite writers to participate in “Artful Crossroads: Where the Arts Intersect” to be held on October 18-19, 2012, in Auburn, Alabama.  We will come together and talk not only about craft and publishing, but about the ways in which our words reflect other forms of art. For some, it will be in the creation of characters who happen to be artists, for others, it might be the fusing of literature with another kind of artistic expression such as music, or visual art, or performance.

Offering instruction, practice, perspective, and community in a relaxed setting, AWC features small-group workshops, panel discussions, and readings from emerging and established authors.

Conference attendees are invited to read theirshort fiction, creative nonfiction and/or poetry. To be considered for a reading slot, please submit a 300-500 word excerpt of creative writing appropriate for a 15-minute presentation by August 1, 2013. Please include a brief cover letter that indicates connection to the conference’s theme.

Email submissions as an MS Word attachment to Maiben Beard at In the subject line of your email, please include: Conference: [Your Last Name, Title of Submission].

Please visit our conference website (, follow the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts & Humanities on Twitter (@cmdcah, #AWC13), or join us on Facebook (@The Auburn Writers Conference) for updates.

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