Monday, June 10, 2013

POV Previews begin with HOMEGOINGS

The POV Previews series kicked off last Thursday with a sneak peek of HomegoingsFilmed at Owens Funeral Home in New York City's historic Harlem neighborhood, Homegoings takes an up-close look at the rarely seen world of undertaking in the black community, where funeral rites draw on a rich palette of tradition, history and celebration. 

Patience Essah, from the Department of History, was on hand to lead attendees in a short discussion after the film and to provide a quick glimpse into fantasy coffins from Ghana.

Missed the screening? Homegoings will air on PBS June 24 and will be available online June 25-July 14, 2013. Visit the POV website for more information.

The next installment of our POV Previews will be July 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (450 East Thach Avenue). We'll get a sneak peek of High Tech, Low Life (90 minutes) and Makiko Mori from the Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures will lead us in a discussion.