Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Can We Have Class Outside?

 Yesterday, local teachers convened at Pebble Hill for a workshop with Breeden Scholar Tom Hallock on the topic of outdoor education and the English Studies classroom. Professor Hallock shared practical knowledge and provided a short critical grounding, helping participants move their writing and literature classes to an outdoor setting. 

Dr. Hallock is the author of From the Fallen Tree: Frontier Narratives, Environmental Politics and the Roots of a National Pastoral (2003, UNC Press) and co-editor of William Bartram, the Search for Nature’s Design: Selected Art, Letters and Unpublished Writings (2010, UGA Press). He is a graduate of Dickinson College and holds a Ph.D. in English and American Literature from New York University.  He is an associate professor of English at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg.

From left to right: CMD CAH Director Mark Wilson, Jared Gullage, Tom Hallock, Scott Fleming, Amber Berry-Moore, Amy Robertson, Katharine Martin.